Guests who visited the Truths of the Trade exhibition in the Society of Winterthur Fellows gallery in Summer 2018 were asked to give their feedback on the exhibition. Leave your own thoughts in the comments below.

  • What did you learn?
  • Share a reaction to an object.
  • What would you still like to know?
  • How could considering the history of slavery impact future museum visits?
  • Share feedback for the student curators!

“Docents should add this in somehow. More of this info is needed to give a complete American history.”

“Things aren’t different today– we routinely purchase clothing made of slave or impoverished labor.”

“Shows how well a ‘traditional’ museum collection can be revisited, questioned, and amplified.”

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Museums and historic sites across the country are reevaluating their collections, opening dialogue, and committing to telling the history of slavery in new ways. The list provided here is not comprehensive, but includes some of the sites participating in this conversation.




Interested in learning more about the history of transatlantic trade and how slavery shaped America? These books are a great place to start.

Access the Truths of the Trade reading list with suggestions for all ages here.

2 Responses

  1. Anonymous

    I never knew Lafayette was an abolitionist! Fascinating!

  2. Anonymous

    It made me sad to remember the horrible crimes committed in our country, but it is necessary to remember. It is still a very important topic in our country, and this exhibit reminds us of the cost of all these items.